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Taurus New Moon Blessings

Writer's picture: Wendy WeissWendy Weiss

Welcome to the New Moon in Taurus

Tuesday, May 11, 14:49 EST, 21*17'

subterranean womb moon, moon of emergence

rooted cycles moon, mycelial fabric moon

ear to the ground moon, moon of heart rhythms

moon of the cicada goddess

We are rooted in cycles steeped in seasonal expression. Grandmother Moon, Mother Earth, Maiden to speak to the depths, give voice to the knowing of our embodied cosmic wisdom? Moon finds her place today in Taurus, the sign of the earth, of the throat chakra, of embodiment. We are of the earth, essence of our being grounded in our own earthen vessels of matter, of body.

Go now, lie down on the earth, belly to to belly, face resting on soil, ear to ground. Hear her heart to heart messages rising in rhythmic beats, the binaural pulse of merging frequencies. Feel your being emerging from the womb of Gaia. Climb with the cicada goddesses upon the Tree of Life and sing your songs of knowing to the universe. Move in rhythm, dance, flow within, among life's tones.

We are creatures of vibrational codes enscorcelled in mystic overtones, mythic undertones. We find ourselves weaving in the resonant third, hand-crafting the braids, the grounding cords in playful, innocent being among the vastness of meaning-making in this cosmos, tethered to the land of this earthly planet spiraling in space. We are children of a greater universe of star beings. We are right here, right now on this earth in all time and space. Our momentary knowing its own seasonal expression of humanity of human be•ing.

We weave in the triple goddess: Moon, Earth, Venus. We hear the harmonics of conjunctions with Black Moon Lilith and the Sun, the aspects of our fellow planetary and celestial bodies. We vibe with resonance and dissonance along the channels, the waves, the orbits, the webbing. We find ourselves toning, humming, adding to, altering the ethereal waves meshed in our cells. Gravity holds our feet, our bodies to this planet plane. We are fleshen radio telescopes, emitting and receiving, integrating interplanetary signals, sound symbols.

Lay our body down now. Human heart transmitter to earthen heart drumming. Dissolve, absolve in binaural being. In the caverns of our earthen vessels, the vibratory field of cosmic echo chambers, cellular fluidity of human incarnation, emerge from wholeness into wholeness. We are the cycle. Our whole being a circle. Encircled by greater cycles.

Weaver of earthly tonings, hear your own threads, cords, chords and attune your fine instrument, refined integrative body within all our harmonic relations.

Much love, many blessings!



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