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PARA Coaching

para ~ Originally, the prefix "para-" came from Greek and means "next to" and "side by side" and also a sense of "moving or going beyond"


Stop, sit in stillness and silence. Down tempo. Ease into neutral. Breathe. Make space for being. 


Listen, sense, orient to your senses and body sensations. Allow deeper inner wisdom to be accessed and experienced. Reconnect with your parasympathetic nervous system. Connect to Self and to Soul.


Insights, revelations, meaning-making. Expression. Wisdom speaks through metaphors and parables. Connect to the BIG story of your life.


Embody your truth, live your values, enact the power of intentional choice. Respond honestly to your Yeses and Nos. Be lead by a Greater Knowing, as an enfleshed Soul. Connected to Source, to God. I Am Wholly Me.

What Coaching Offers You

Our modern lives tend to be busy and focused on the doing of life. We can easily lose the thread of, "Who am I, really?" At this point in the arc of human evolution, it's vital that we take the space to slow down, explore what matters most to us, and settle again into being who we are. 


PARA Coaching gets to the essence: I know who I am, what my priorities and values are, and how I wish to show up and BE in the world. When we are grounded, centered, and orienting from our True Selves, we are free to express our creative forces and shape the trajectory of our lives. The art of transformation allows us to be exquisitely free in finding the reaches of our human potential and experiencing a more fulfilling and meaningful existence.

Here's what's available to you with me as your coach:​

• Be held by gentle, intuitive, professional coaching

• Find True You through self-discovery

• Tune in deeply to your biodynamic body 

• Uncover what's most important to you

• Discern where to focus your energy and attention

• Dissolve old, worn-out patterns and limiting beliefs

• Love yourself in a whole new way

 be wholly connected 
in your truest way of being
Aerial Abstract Landscape

Who would you be if you were wholly aligned

with your values and actions, in your being and your doing, in your inner and the outer worlds



Wendy is a deeply compassionate and empathetic coach. She created and held safe space for me that allowed for deep, meaningful exploration. Through my coaching sessions with her, I was able to navigate through to the other side of difficult emotions, experiences and questions I was facing. She facilitated a transformation that has brought much light into my life. 

Sharon Spontak, AUS

"I have spent time and money on coaching, therapy and other modalities in the past, often leaving with someone telling me what I should do. My experience with Wendy was entirely refreshing. Wendy is a gifted coach. She helped me to have an important breakthrough. I was looking for an answer when what I needed was to access the answer within myself, and Wendy provided that space for me. She is able to reflect and listen, and it is obvious she wants you to trust yourself and find the answers within rather than simply telling you what to do. If you are looking to connect to your wisdom within, to be listened to and want to be guided, supported and empowered to heal yourself then you owe it to yourself to have a session and more with Wendy."

Bleu, CA

I started working with Wendy in 2021.  At that point the world was still crazy and I was newly retired from my career of 32 years.  I was struggling with how to approach the next chapter of my life in this rapidly changing world.  Wendy helped me to chart a new course in many ways. 


Allow me to give you a few specific examples:


Wendy helped me to discover changes in the priority of my values. Though the changes were slight, adjusting my approach to challenges in my life based on these changes has been hugely beneficial in allowing me move through life with greater harmony and serenity.


Wendy helped me to reconnect with my creative inner child.  As a youngster I had loved to draw and paint but in the pursuit of adult success, I had lost my creative spark.  I really thought that I no longer had it in me.  With Wendy’s help, I have embraced my creativity once again.


 What Wendy was able to see from the first session was that I am very self motivated and self reflective.  By using open ended questions, restating and reframing she was able to help me to find my own path to the answers in my own way.  The outcome of her methods was that I was able move my whole perception to a higher ground that has benefited me in the years since.


I am very grateful to Wendy for the assistance she has given me in creating the map of my new Life.  Her kindness and buoyant energy lifted me to new heights!

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Listening is the heart of coaching for me. I am committed to being fully present with clients, in a deeper level of communing. I revel in being that presence to others, in service to those who seek to discover a truer sense of themselves, who find dynamic alignment and unbounded creativity as ways to fuel their personal growth. I am especially inspired by and drawn to support those who are willing to embrace transformation in response to life's challenges and changes.

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Life coaching is often seen as something a person seeks out when he needs advice or wants to be taught how to do something better. The coach is seen as an expert at something they have achieved for themselves. In this model, people hire coaches to learn the secrets of the coach's success.


PARA Coaching is entirely different. The orientation of wisdom is you. In tuning into your sensory perception, body sensations, and energetic biofield, you discover that you already possess innate skills and have full capacity to know what's best for you. Powerful coaching reveals everything you need already exists within you. In PARA Coaching we work "side by side" and provide you the space and reflection to strengthen that connection to your own knowing, your own way of being.

YES, I can use different tools to help you in your personal development, AND I believe you already know what you need. My role is to listen--with intuitive and transcendent listening-- informed by your inner, embodied wisdom. Together we open channels of discovery and hold space for powerful inquiry and deep dive exploration. The field of potent potential and all possibilities is available to us at all times. When we know how to access it we are free to make new choices and evolve into greater versions of ourselves. I am committed to being in full presence to your process. This is my offering to you through PARA Coaching.

Sessions can be held in person, by phone, or via Zoom call. 

In-person sessions held in Fountain City on the 3rd Fridays of each month.

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