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Virtual Moon Journal

December 26 - January 20


For the New Moon in Capricorn, I am offering an online version of the moon journal to women who have already participated in a Circle.


You will receive:

  • 8 Moon Phase emails, each with Moon transit astrological energy reading, writing prompts, and self care reminders

  • Moon Mandala

  • Awareness Wheel

  • Svadhisthana Chakra votive candle

  • Discussion Circle in private Facebook Group


Please provide for yourself:

  • Sacred time and space to show up for your moon journal

  • Your journal from the Circle you attended

  • Candle holder from the Circle

  • Your favorite snacks and hydration

  • Watercolor pencils (optional, but, why not treat yourself!)


Registration is Closed

Much love, many blessings!

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